You often ask me about [here you can put whaterever you want]
In nine cases out of ten, the above may be a lie. In the case of Philip K. Dick, too. Although this time I am writing the sacred truth. Ever since I wrote, among other things, about how to start reading the Discworld and where to begin the adventure with H. P. Lovecraft, I have been receiving questions about what to do with Philip K. Dick. A strange question on the one hand, because it can be answered very briefly, which I will do at some point in this text, and a legitimate one on the other. Legitimate, because here it's not even a question of a specific order, but sometimes you simply ask about titles that will be suitable for starting with the prose of a classic.
However, what you will read below is not an attempt to present the only right way. It's my personal suggestion, which will serve me as a ready-made download for the next time I'm asked the same thing. All because Dick did not create a universe, a separate world, where everything interconnected, as in Pratchett's or Stephen King's books.
Philip K. Dick was an extremely prolific writer. If you would like to read everything he created, you'll have to reserve some more time. Although still less than half of The Bold and the Beautiful. And because of this prolificacy of his and the enormity of his positions, the question arises, how to start? From all of Dick's books and short stories, I've selected the ones I might suggest for the very beginning. Hardcore Dick fans should restrain their horses, as this is only a suggestion. Also, I haven't read everything, so perhaps somewhere, someone, can suggest something much better. For example, something like this, which is supplemented by some amazing short story that almost no one has read, but it's out there somewhere. I encourage your suggestions.
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